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Plan A Visit

We are so honored that you would choose to join us in person to worship our Savior! Our priority is to provide you with a comfortable environment to grow your relationship with Christ. You probably have lots of questions about what to expect.

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What Are Services Like?

Services usually begin with prayer, followed by congregational singing and worship. We believe in openly inviting God to move in our services, rather than implementing a set schedule or itinerary. Worship service is followed by a Spirit filled, scripture based sermon by our pastor, Bro. Ryan Markee.

What About My Kids?

As a youth focused church, we place a huge emphasis on giving children an opportunity to experience God for themselves. On Sunday mornings, there are classes for children and young people aged pre-k through 21. After Sunday school is over, ages 12 and under will move to children's church for songs and a biblically based lesson. Ages 13 and up will return to the sanctuary for worship. Please feel free to escort your child to their Sunday school class and meet the teacher before class begins!


What About Me?

Don't worry, we've got you covered too! Ages 22 and up will remain in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings for the adult Sunday School class. Morning worship will follow with songs and a message from Pastor Markee.

What Are Our Beliefs?

Harbor Lights Temple is a Pentecostal Holiness church. Our desire is to provide a place where people can develop a deeper relationship with God. We believe in Salvation by the blood of Jesus and the triune Godhead (the Trinity) as the bible teaches.


Still Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions you may have!

Service Times
Sunday: 10:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.

2150 N. Central Avenue
Batesville, AR 72501

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